Thursday, July 18, 2013

How Do I Repair a Cable?

Question:  I have a damaged cable, how do I repair it?

Answer:  The first thing you're doing to need to do is get yourself a properly sized CRSM wrap around repair system for power cable oversheaths.  

Step 1:  Clean the damaged area on the cable and the adjacent (undamaged) PE jacket.  
Lightly abrading the PE will assure the strongest possible bond. 

Step 2:  Remove the release paper from the CRSM shrink sleeve

Step 3:  Wrap the CRSM sleeve in place

Step 4:  Secure the rail and channel closure system in order to hold the CRSM in the shape 
of a tube during the shrink process.

Step 5:  Fire up your propane torch or industrial hot air gun and begin shrinking the sleeve; starting in the middle and moving your heat source circumstantially around the shrink sleeve.

Step 6:  Continue shrink the CRSM sleeve; working your way to one edge; 
then back to the middle; then out to the other edge.

Step 7:  Check to see that you have adhesive flow on both ends of the shrink sleeve (along the cable).  This is your seal.  If that adhesive is there; and the CRSM sleeve is conformed to the cable;
 you are finished.  Simple and easy!

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